Wednesday, May 1, 2013

DIY Adding a Pleated Ruffle to clothing!

Here you can see I have added the Pleated Ruffle to our simple "RU" Skirt! It's super easy and can even be done with Ribbon if preferred :) Again, I'm Human and apologize for any errors in advance lol

1. Cut a strip of fabric. I cut a straight strip piece of fabric from the pattern from which I made this skirt...(width is up to you) and fold the two sides in as shown, then fold in half, iron & sew closed.

2. (look at all the photos until you reach the next step, before starting)
I only added my pleat to the front of the skirt... I folded the end under a little and started measuring every 3" and would fold a little fabric under to make 2 1/2", then pinned it there and repeated this step all the way across the skirt.

3. Sew all the way across and end by folding the edge under and finishing off.....
Now your done! You can do multiple rows, thick pleats, thin pleats....the possibilities are endless! Let me know how it works out for you!

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