Wednesday, May 15, 2013

DIY Newborn T-Shirt Waisted Skirt

First of all, I ended up having to cut my fabric pieces smaller because my waist material wastn't as stretchy as I thought, so make sure to use a VERY stretchy piece (like a knit or elasticity tshirt) for your waistband. 
The measurements here are for a Newborn, but if you are interested in measurements for different sizes, please feel free to comment & ask or experiment for yourself! :)

First Cut 2 pieces of the skirt Pattern 17"x7" (8" if you want a bigger hem)
Then from you VERY stretchy T-Shirt material cut a piece on the fold 7"x9".

Lets start by sewing the open end of the Waistband material closed.

Now fold the fabric inward (raw edged inside) creating a nice waistband!

Next is the skirt... Now put your yucky sides together (trust me on this) and sew 1/4" along the seams.

Next iron your seams open.

Now sew another seam 5/8" from the last one...... Now when you iron it, it will look like......


You can sew those edges down if you like...... See! no Raw Edges!

Next Step is the Waistband & Hem, for the Hem iron fabric over 1/4" then again 5/8" and sew (I did a ZIG-ZAG Stitch. Now for the waistband fold over 1/4" & iron, then again 1/2" and iron. 

Pin your Waistband to your Skirt, stretching to make as even as possible. Now Zig-Zag stitch your waistband piece to your skirt piece St-re-tch-ing the waistband as you go to fit the Skirt. Then trim all the extra threads and fabric away to show a nice clean seam. 

Quick peek at the inside!

Now I recommend washing & ironing this piece to give the waistband back it's elasticity after all that stretching :) Enjoy!